Remember remember it's the month of November

November has been so packed full of interesting events that it’s time for an update! (Although perhaps not as interesting as Guy Fawkes Night, on November 5th).
The first weekend of November I took my position as incoming Treasurer on the Board of Directors for the Association for Software Testing. We (the board) spent the weekend planning out the 2019 year at a high level including the next CAST conference and a number of updates across our education and marketing fronts. I’m happy / scared to say I took on a lot of new challenges. It’s interesting to get the high level view of the organization that I’ve spent so many years volunteering for.
The second week of November saw me hosting an AST webinar on API Testing with Jason Ioannides of API Fortress that exceeded all my expectations. We had a record number of sign ups and attendees. We couldn’t fit everyone in but we did record the talk which is now on the AST YouTube channel. We’ve been on a roll with our Webinars, personally I find them fun and I think we’ve been creating content people enjoy. Got any ideas for future webinars? (Leave me a comment or two)
Also last week I was in San Francisco attending the first California located TestBash conference. It’s my first TestBash and of all the different conferences I’ve been to it’s certainly unique. TestBash’s format is unique for conferences -> a single track over 2 days with each presentation being 30-45 minutes. On the plus side that means a lot of presentations and topics with the chance to impress. The downside is that there isn’t much time for asking questions or conferring unless you do it during the break times.